The Sparklify Book The Sparklify Zone Sparklajewels

In a Magic wood, under star studded skies, the Little Earthlings gather in a very special place they call The Sparklify Zone.

Beautiful trees and sparklaflowers, toadstool tables and tree trunk chairs, fairy doors leading to sparkaliffic story times with sparklasounds and all things sparkalicious… the sparklaveg patch, the Wonder Well.. Anna’s Yoga Shack… the secret sensory garden and so much more…

This is where The Little Earthlings connect to the stars and learn about new sparklify techniques to sparklify the earth, checking the Sparklometer and sending sparkles around the world where needed, and where children come to learn “Sparklafive” and “Sparklafarming”... two of the little earthlings special activities.
“Sparklafive”, learn Sparklabalance, Sparkalates, Sparkle Arts, Sparklify and Sparkalation. Anna Banana why teaches us Sparklabalance, using fun animal yoga positions building heat in our bodies.
Jackster teaches us Sparkalates, pilates based moves to strengthen our bodies, bringing stability and balance.

Mio Lao teaches us Sparkle Arts, Tai Chi- Chi Gung to gently warm the body with flowing movements and breath and helps us get ready for sparklifying the earth.

Millie Moos teaches us to Sparklify, by awakening our sleeping sparklifiers and teaching us to send sparkles near and afar through creative visualisation.

Alice the Wonder Why teaches us Sparkalation, how to meditate and relax through sparklastories and using earth minerals, sparklastones and other gifts from nature.

KJ sets the perfect mood for sparklafive with his sparklabeats : sparkifying sounds for vibrational transformation.

The little earthlings teach us how to plant, grow and care for sparklaplants and flowers and show us how to upcycle things around us, and create natural paints “sparklacolours”.

They teach us about sparklafruits and vegetables in season, how to grow them and how to create sparkalicious properly combined meals and follow the little earthlings super nutritious sparkaline diet for sparklavibrance.

Welcome little earthlings to
The Sparklify Zone
Here you will experience
Things you’ve never known
This is where the magic
Of Sparklify comes to be
Learning tools to make use of
Your sparklability
Come sit at our table
And perch on toadstool chairs
Connect to stars with Mille Moos
And Sparklify the Earth!

The First Sparklify Zone, Scotland

The Dunblane Centre,Scotland hosts the first Sparklify Zone where children can participate in Sparklafive and Sparklafarming classes with Sparklify Instructor, Siobhan Hencher.

For information contact



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